Basic Tutorial for Toad

Toad is developed to facilitate the model development of credit risk scorecard particularly. In this tutorial, the basic use of toad will be introduced.

The tutorial will follow the common procedure of credit risk scorecard model development:

(1) EDA

(2) Feature selection and WOE binning

(3) Model selection

(4) Model validation

(5) Scorecard transformation

0. Data preparation

The data used is the famous german credit dataset. The following data preprocessing include:

  1. replacing target as 0, 1 from ‘good’ / ‘bad’;
  2. train test split;

and (3) adding a feature to indicate train and test. The training set will be used for modelling and the test set will only be used for validation

! Make sure to upgrade to the latest version !
#!pip install --upgrade toad
'\n! Make sure to upgrade to the latest version !\n'
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import toad
data = pd.read_csv('germancredit.csv')
data.replace({'good':0,'bad':1},inplace=True) # replace target as 0, 1.

print(data.shape) # 1000 data and 20 features
(1000, 21)
status.of.existing.checking.account credit.history purpose credit.amount savings.account.and.bonds present.employment.since other.debtors.or.guarantors ... property other.installment.plans housing job telephone foreign.worker creditability
0 ... < 0 DM 6 critical account/ other credits existing (not ... radio/television 1169 unknown/ no savings account ... >= 7 years 4 male : single none ... real estate 67 none own 2 skilled employee / official 1 yes, registered under the customers name yes 0
1 0 <= ... < 200 DM 48 existing credits paid back duly till now radio/television 5951 ... < 100 DM 1 <= ... < 4 years 2 female : divorced/separated/married none ... real estate 22 none own 1 skilled employee / official 1 none yes 1
2 no checking account 12 critical account/ other credits existing (not ... education 2096 ... < 100 DM 4 <= ... < 7 years 2 male : single none ... real estate 49 none own 1 unskilled - resident 2 none yes 0
3 ... < 0 DM 42 existing credits paid back duly till now furniture/equipment 7882 ... < 100 DM 4 <= ... < 7 years 2 male : single guarantor ... building society savings agreement/ life insur... 45 none for free 1 skilled employee / official 2 none yes 0
4 ... < 0 DM 24 delay in paying off in the past car (new) 4870 ... < 100 DM 1 <= ... < 4 years 3 male : single none ... unknown / no property 53 none for free 2 skilled employee / official 2 none yes 1

5 rows × 21 columns

Xtr,Xts,Ytr,Yts = train_test_split(data.drop('creditability',axis=1),data['creditability'],test_size=0.25,random_state=450)
data_tr = pd.concat([Xtr,Ytr],axis=1)
data_tr['type'] = 'train' # A new feature to indicate test/training sample
data_ts = pd.concat([Xts,Yts],axis=1)
data_ts['type'] = 'test'

# The training set will be used for modelling and the test set will only be used for validation.

(750, 22)
### I. EDA data handling
Toad supports general EDA of each feature to detect missing values and feature distribution.
  1. toad.detector.detect(): return the EDA report of each feature, incl. data type, distribution, missing rate, and unique values. The EDA report is aimed to guide missing / extreme value detection & replacing.
type size missing unique mean_or_top1 std_or_top2 min_or_top3 1%_or_top4 10%_or_top5 50%_or_bottom5 75%_or_bottom4 90%_or_bottom3 99%_or_bottom2 max_or_bottom1
status.of.existing.checking.account object 750 0.00% 4 no checking account:39.20% ... < 0 DM:27.60% 0 <= ... < 200 DM:27.07% ... >= 200 DM / salary assignments for at leas... None None no checking account:39.20% ... < 0 DM:27.60% 0 <= ... < 200 DM:27.07% ... >= 200 DM / salary assignments for at leas... int64 750 0.00% 32 20.548 11.941 4 6 8 18 24 36 60 72
credit.history object 750 0.00% 5 existing credits paid back duly till now:53.73% critical account/ other credits existing (not ... delay in paying off in the past:8.00% all credits at this bank paid back duly:4.93% no credits taken/ all credits paid back duly:3... existing credits paid back duly till now:53.73% critical account/ other credits existing (not ... delay in paying off in the past:8.00% all credits at this bank paid back duly:4.93% no credits taken/ all credits paid back duly:3...
purpose object 750 0.00% 10 radio/television:27.47% car (new):25.33% furniture/equipment:18.40% business:9.33% car (used):9.20% education:5.07% repairs:2.67% domestic appliances:1.07% others:0.93% retraining:0.53%
credit.amount int64 750 0.00% 700 3207.35 2731.93 250 417.33 906.3 2301.5 3956.5 7179.4 12715.2 15672
savings.account.and.bonds object 750 0.00% 5 ... < 100 DM:60.93% unknown/ no savings account:17.47% 100 <= ... < 500 DM:10.53% 500 <= ... < 1000 DM:6.00% ... >= 1000 DM:5.07% ... < 100 DM:60.93% unknown/ no savings account:17.47% 100 <= ... < 500 DM:10.53% 500 <= ... < 1000 DM:6.00% ... >= 1000 DM:5.07%
present.employment.since object 750 0.00% 5 1 <= ... < 4 years:32.53% ... >= 7 years:24.93% ... < 1 year:18.67% 4 <= ... < 7 years:17.60% unemployed:6.27% 1 <= ... < 4 years:32.53% ... >= 7 years:24.93% ... < 1 year:18.67% 4 <= ... < 7 years:17.60% unemployed:6.27% int64 750 0.00% 4 2.94533 1.13493 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 object 750 0.00% 3 male : single:54.40% female : divorced/separated/married:36.27% male : married/widowed:9.33% None None None None male : single:54.40% female : divorced/separated/married:36.27% male : married/widowed:9.33%
other.debtors.or.guarantors object 750 0.00% 3 none:90.80% guarantor:4.93% co-applicant:4.27% None None None None none:90.80% guarantor:4.93% co-applicant:4.27%

II. Feature selection, fine classing, and WOE transformation

Toad can be used to filter abundant features such as the ones with high missing rate, low iv, and highly correlated features. It can also fine class features with vairous binning techniques and apply WOE transformation.

  1. used to filter features based on missing percentage, iv (with 20 bins), and multicolleanrity (with VIF and/or intercorrelation)
# The filter criteria include missing rate >=0.5, iv <= 0.05, correlation >= 0.7 (the one with the hightest iv will be kept),
# and "exclude = ['type']" specifies that 'type' tag will be not dropped
selected_data, drop_lst=,target = 'creditability', empty = 0.5, iv = 0.05, corr = 0.7, return_drop=True, exclude=['type'])

selected_test = data_ts[selected_data.columns]

drop_lst # As shown, 8 features have been dropped due to low iv.
(750, 16)
{'empty': array([], dtype=float64),
 'iv': array(['',
        '', 'job',
        'telephone'], dtype=object),
 'corr': array([], dtype=object)}

  1. toad.quality(dataframe, target): return the quality of each feature, incl. iv, gini, and entropy. The output provides information of which features are potentially more useful.
quality = toad.quality(data,'creditability')
iv gini entropy unique
status.of.existing.checking.account 0.666012 0.368037 0.545196 4.0 0.354784 0.406755 0.609659 33.0
credit.amount 0.351455 0.408680 0.610864 921.0
credit.history 0.293234 0.394090 0.580631 5.0 0.211197 0.414339 0.610863 53.0
savings.account.and.bonds 0.196010 0.404838 0.591377 5.0


First, Combiner() to bin and set bins

  1. toad.transform.Combiner(): combiner is used to fine class numerical and categorical features with binning. We support Chi-squared binning, decision tree binning, binning by step, and binning by quantile. The following demonstrates the procedure.

3.1. combiner().fit(data, y = ‘target’, method = ‘chi’, min_samples = None, n_bins = None** )**: fit binning. Method supports ‘chi’, ‘dt’, ‘percentile’, and ‘step’.

3.2. combiner().set_rules(dict): used to set bins.

3.3. combiner().transform(data): transform the features of data into binned groups. ____ Second, WOETransformer() to WOE transform

  1. toad.transform.WOETransformer(): apply WOE transformation after binnning

4.1 WOETransformer().fit_transform(data, y_true, exclude = None): WOE transform data by data. “exclude” excludes the columns not to be transformed

4.2 WOETransformer().transform(data): transform data after fit_transform. Normally applied to test/validation data after fit_transform(training).

Use plots to tune bins.

  1. toad.plot.badrate_plot(data,target = ‘target’, x = None, by = None): plot the bad rate of each bin across different sets. Different sets can be train/test, or different month etc. “by” is name of the column to plot. “x” is the column used for comparison (e.g.month, test/train).
  2. toad.plot.proportion_plot(data[col]): plot the proportion each bin of a binned feature.

Note: the guide below is the binning as a whole, please refer to the `complete tutorial <>`__ for bins adjustment. (TBA)

# Step 1: initialise a combiner class
combiner = toad.transform.Combiner()

# Step 2: fit data and specify binningm method along with other parameters (optional),y='creditability',method='chi',min_samples =  0.05,exclude='type') # fit binning

# Step 3: save bins. The bins are saved as a dictionary.
bins = combiner.export()

# check bins by features
print('', bins[''])
status.of.existing.checking.account: [['no checking account'], ['... >= 200 DM / salary assignments for at least 1 year'], ['0 <= ... < 200 DM'], ['... < 0 DM']]
credit.amount: [2145, 3914] [9, 12, 18, 33]
{'status.of.existing.checking.account': [['no checking account'],
  ['... >= 200 DM / salary assignments for at least 1 year'],
  ['0 <= ... < 200 DM'],
  ['... < 0 DM']],
 '': [9, 12, 18, 33],
 'credit.history': [['critical account/ other credits existing (not at this bank)'],
  ['existing credits paid back duly till now'],
  ['delay in paying off in the past'],
  ['all credits at this bank paid back duly',
   'no credits taken/ all credits paid back duly']],
 'purpose': [['domestic appliances', 'car (used)', 'retraining'],
  ['repairs', 'business', 'car (new)'],
  ['education', 'others']],
 'credit.amount': [2145, 3914],
 'savings.account.and.bonds': [['unknown/ no savings account'],
  ['... >= 1000 DM'],
  ['500 <= ... < 1000 DM'],
  ['... < 100 DM'],
  ['100 <= ... < 500 DM']],
 'present.employment.since': [['4 <= ... < 7 years'],
  ['... >= 7 years'],
  ['1 <= ... < 4 years'],
  ['... < 1 year'],
 '': [['male : married/widowed'],
  ['male : single'],
  ['female : divorced/separated/married']],
 'other.debtors.or.guarantors': [['guarantor', 'none', 'co-applicant']],
 'property': [['real estate'],
  ['building society savings agreement/ life insurance'],
  ['car or other, not in attribute Savings account/bonds'],
  ['unknown / no property']],
 '': [26, 28, 35, 39, 49],
 'other.installment.plans': [['none'], ['bank', 'stores']],
 'housing': [['own'], ['for free'], ['rent']],
 'foreign.worker': [['no', 'yes']]}
# Step 4: adjust bins with badrate_plot(). To fine tune the bins, we use a new combiner().

# we want to check the bins of ''
adj_bin = {'': [9, 12, 18, 33]}

c2 = toad.transform.Combiner()

data_ = pd.concat([data_tr,data_ts],axis = 0)
temp_data = c2.transform(data_[['','creditability','type']])

# plot shows stability across train and test
from toad.plot import badrate_plot, proportion_plot
badrate_plot(temp_data, target = 'creditability', x = 'type', by = '')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x127231518>
# Assume we want to combine bin #1 and #2...
adj_bin = {'': [9, 18,33]}

temp_data = c2.transform(data_[['','creditability','type']])
badrate_plot(temp_data, target = 'creditability', x = 'type', by = '')

adj_bin = {'': [9, 18,33],'foreign.worker': [['no'], ['yes']]}
# therefore use this
# Step 5: WOE transform with adjusted bins

binned_data = combiner.transform(selected_data)

transer = toad.transform.WOETransformer()
data_tr_woe = transer.fit_transform(binned_data, binned_data['creditability'], exclude=['creditability','type'])
data_ts_woe = transer.transform(combiner.transform(selected_test))
binned_data.head(3) # the values are transformed into "index + bin" format
status.of.existing.checking.account credit.history purpose credit.amount savings.account.and.bonds present.employment.since other.debtors.or.guarantors property other.installment.plans housing foreign.worker creditability type
569 3 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 train
574 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 train
993 3 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 train

III. Model selection

  1. toad.selection.stepwise(): this function performs feature selection (or model selection formally) with forward / backward / both-way stepwise. The function uses AIC / BIC as selection criterion.
final_data = toad.selection.stepwise(data_tr_woe.drop('type',axis=1),target = 'creditability',direction = 'both', criterion = 'aic')

final_test = data_ts_woe[final_data.columns]
print(final_data.columns) # As shown, 15 features are down to 10 after both-way stepwise
(750, 10)
Index(['status.of.existing.checking.account', '',
       'credit.history', 'purpose', '', 'other.installment.plans',
       'property', '', 'other.debtors.or.guarantors',
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  return self.params / self.bse
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  return (self.a < x) & (x < self.b)
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less
  return (self.a < x) & (x < self.b)
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  cond2 = cond0 & (x <= self.a)
# Now ready to model. Fit a lr.
Xtr = final_data.drop('creditability',axis=1)
Ytr = final_data['creditability']
Xts = final_test.drop('creditability',axis=1)
Yts = final_test['creditability']

lr = LogisticRegression(), Ytr)
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ FutureWarning: Default solver will be changed to 'lbfgs' in 0.22. Specify a solver to silence this warning.
LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
                   intercept_scaling=1, l1_ratio=None, max_iter=100,
                   multi_class='warn', n_jobs=None, penalty='l2',
                   random_state=None, solver='warn', tol=0.0001, verbose=0,

IV. Model evaluation and validation

  1. Common evaluation metrics: toad. metrics. KS, F1, AUC
from toad.metrics import KS, F1, AUC

EYtr_proba = lr.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,1]
EYtr = lr.predict(Xtr)

print('Training error')
print('F1:', F1(EYtr_proba,Ytr))
print('KS:', KS(EYtr_proba,Ytr))
print('AUC:', AUC(EYtr_proba,Ytr))

EYts_proba = lr.predict_proba(Xts)[:,1]
EYts = lr.predict(Xts)

print('\nTest error')
print('F1:', F1(EYts_proba,Yts))
print('KS:', KS(EYts_proba,Yts))
print('AUC:', AUC(EYts_proba,Yts))
Training error
F1: 0.4556701030927835
KS: 0.4872853159929582
AUC: 0.8107664187464729

Test error
F1: 0.45079365079365086
KS: 0.4771302530763873
AUC: 0.7811314913706369

  1. toad.metrics.PSI(): return the PSI of each feature to detect data migration
psi = toad.metrics.PSI(final_data,final_test)
psi.sort_values(0,ascending=False) # Further tune the unstable feature if any
purpose                                0.053175                      0.038424                           0.017464
property                               0.014331
credit.history                         0.012744
status.of.existing.checking.account    0.001251                0.001096
creditability                          0.000545
other.installment.plans                0.000047
other.debtors.or.guarantors            0.000000
dtype: float64

  1. toad.metrics.KS_bucket(predicted_proba, y_true, bucket=10, method = ‘quantile’): output the result table including bad_rate, KS etc.
tr_bucket = toad.metrics.KS_bucket(EYtr_proba,Ytr,bucket=10,method='quantile')
min max bads goods total bad_rate good_rate odds bad_prop good_prop cum_bads cum_goods cum_bads_prop cum_goods_prop ks
0 0.012857 0.052979 0 75 75 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.143403 0 75 0.000000 0.143403 -0.143403
1 0.053378 0.094267 1 74 75 0.013333 0.986667 0.013514 0.004405 0.141491 1 149 0.004405 0.284895 -0.280490
2 0.094706 0.129116 9 66 75 0.120000 0.880000 0.136364 0.039648 0.126195 10 215 0.044053 0.411090 -0.367037
3 0.130818 0.173092 14 61 75 0.186667 0.813333 0.229508 0.061674 0.116635 24 276 0.105727 0.527725 -0.421998
4 0.173933 0.241864 20 55 75 0.266667 0.733333 0.363636 0.088106 0.105163 44 331 0.193833 0.632887 -0.439055
5 0.242644 0.324243 18 57 75 0.240000 0.760000 0.315789 0.079295 0.108987 62 388 0.273128 0.741874 -0.468746
6 0.324983 0.422900 29 46 75 0.386667 0.613333 0.630435 0.127753 0.087954 91 434 0.400881 0.829828 -0.428947
7 0.424597 0.529979 37 38 75 0.493333 0.506667 0.973684 0.162996 0.072658 128 472 0.563877 0.902486 -0.338609
8 0.532320 0.649534 45 30 75 0.600000 0.400000 1.500000 0.198238 0.057361 173 502 0.762115 0.959847 -0.197732
9 0.652615 0.921777 54 21 75 0.720000 0.280000 2.571429 0.237885 0.040153 227 523 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000

V. Scorecard transformation

Toad allows scorecard transformation from bins and convert probability of credit risk into scores accordingly. 1. toad.scorecard.ScoreCard():

1.1 ScoreCard().predict(X): output scores with original features. The function uses combiner and transer to bin the original feature to predict the risk scores.

# Step 1: alignment for combiner and WOETransformer

# Step 2: send combiner, transer, and model to scorecard
card = toad.scorecard.ScoreCard(combiner = combiner, transer = transer, model = lr)
card.export() # output the scorecard details
{'status.of.existing.checking.account': {'no checking account': 145.5,
  '... >= 200 DM / salary assignments for at least 1 year': 98.01,
  '0 <= ... < 200 DM': 36.69,
  '... < 0 DM': 4.62},
 '': {'[-inf ~ 9)': 159.42,
  '[9 ~ 18)': 85.84,
  '[18 ~ 33)': 56.47,
  '[33 ~ inf)': 3.34},
 'credit.history': {'critical account/ other credits existing (not at this bank)': 97.33,
  'existing credits paid back duly till now': 61.67,
  'delay in paying off in the past': 52.58,
  'all credits at this bank paid back duly,no credits taken/ all credits paid back duly': 2.79},
 'purpose': {'domestic appliances,car (used),retraining': 140.7,
  'radio/television': 96.33,
  'furniture/equipment': 52.36,
  'repairs,business,car (new)': 42.25,
  'education,others': 5.55},
 '': {'[-inf ~ 26)': 119.2,
  '[26 ~ 28)': 88.33,
  '[28 ~ 35)': 79.77,
  '[35 ~ 39)': 69.03,
  '[39 ~ 49)': 51.42,
  '[49 ~ inf)': 29.62},
 'other.installment.plans': {'none': 76.53, 'bank,stores': 16.83},
 'property': {'real estate': 96.25,
  'building society savings agreement/ life insurance': 61.28,
  'car or other, not in attribute Savings account/bonds': 56.62,
  'unknown / no property': 33.45},
 '': {'male : married/widowed': 83.32,
  'male : single': 77.63,
  'female : divorced/separated/married': 41.74}}
# Step 3: predict scores
pred_scores = card.predict(data_ts)
print('Sample scores:',pred_scores[:10])
print('Test KS: ',KS(pred_scores, data_ts['creditability']))
Sample scores: [691.85512232 376.40390218 642.23643223 549.8182956  528.58400131
 585.98431629 598.46669667 477.92206049 569.01975099 665.1492379 ]
Test KS:  0.3830972834919898
[ ]: